Room 04 is working - Submission is ready

Room 04 is complete!

In this room, you are required to disable a force field to acquire a blaster, then you will need to activate a dart factory to acquire ammunition for the blaster.

I spent a small amount of time getting the blaster to work, then I spent WAY too much time on how the player would find the blaster.

It should be in a canister.

It should be rotating and floating inside the canister.

Something should be stopping you from just grabbing it, you should have to deactivate a force field.


Continue down  the rabbit hole.

Anyway...  This is the product that I will be submitting.  I think its a good representation of 2 weeks of work.  I have some known bugs:

* If an object gets destroyed while you are holding it, your hands will also get destroyed.   For example, if you are still holding your friend when he hits the trash can, you will lose your hands.

* The loading mechanism on the blaster will not function if you drop the gun on the floor.  It thinks there is something in the socket.

Easter Egg:  I had originally intended for the final room to  involve switching out different types of ammunition.  That being said, there is a carrot hidden in the room that can be loaded into the gun.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.



Jul 10, 2021

Get VR Space Escape

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